Quantum Leaps

Quantum Leaps helps women grow their businesses. In their own words, "Quantum Leaps accelerates the global development of women's enterprise by catalyzing strategic initiatives that build capacity, change policies, grow economies and create jobs." It's pretty wordy stuff, but it's a good description of what they do. They conceptualize, organize and run global initiatives around strategy, best practices and the global supply chain. Their clients include governments, chambers of commerce, fortune 5 and 500 companies, as well as countless NGOs and SMEs.

Identity System

Primary Trademark

Primary Trademark

Secondary Trademark and Wordmark

Secondary Trademark and Wordmark

Note, The Quantum Leaps wordmark is currently undergoing a redesign and should launch in the 3rd quarter of 2015.

Visualizations were made of Quantum Leap's activities. This work was done as a way to explore how the company uses it's time and energy, and what kinds of connections exist from one market and industry to the next. This chart uses dummy copy, but gives a sense of which companies are involved with which schools and how the key players are connected. Quantum Leaps is driven by powerful people and clear ideas, however they needed help with their visual storytelling and brand message. During my time as the creative director of Quantum Leaps, I helped them to grow substantially in both profits as well as range of operations in their business.

Roadmap to 2020

Dozens of annual reports were created during my years designing for Quantum Leaps, many ranging between 80-140 pages. While templates were created and implemented to save time, the editorial documents often had changing goals and layers of content, therefore adaptable grids and a ''kit of parts' methodology was applied. Seen here is the evolution of the cover for the Roadmap to 2020. It charts how business techniques could be studied and improved leading up to the year 2020. These documents were printed at congresses, as well as uploaded as digital files for download through distribution channels such as the OECD and several countries chambers of commerce.

Preview edition of the Roadmap, followed by several sample spreads below.




Examples from 'The Wave' newsletter; created as a monthly email news platform. Click to enlarge thumbnails. Note, Quantum Leaps was known as Project Tsunami before they commissioned me to do a rebrand because of the natural disaster that occurred in South East Asia. Some of these newsletters feature the previous Project Tsunami Identity–also designed by me–and some of them use the temporary wordmark rebranding of Quantum Leaps. By the time that the new Quantum Leaps identity was set in use, 'The Wave' had moved to a new platform.

Asian Conference

Asian Conference

Austin Expert Roundtable

Austin Expert Roundtable